August 26, 2020
Much has been written in the press about former Jerusalem chief justice and Talmudic Encyclopedia editor Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg since his recent passing.

(“Former Jerusalem chief dayan Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg dies at 89,” August 23) Yet there is another side to Rabbi Goldberg’s legacy that merits greater public awareness.
As rosh yeshiva of the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) for decades, Goldberg played a central role in pioneering the institution’s dual commitment to Torah and academic excellence, a mission that carries significant socioeconomic benefits for Israel today.
Goldberg educated multiple generations of our students in an incredibly humble, pious and visionary manner. While he cultivated and helped them maintain their love for Torah, they simultaneously gained the knowledge and training to become skilled engineers and other contributors to Israel’s burgeoning science and hi-tech industries. In their careers and all aspects of their lives, Rabbi Goldberg’s students have sought to emulate his character traits and dedication to Torah.
In this way, Goldberg was among the unsung rabbinic and educational giants of his time. He was reluctant to see himself as a decision-maker on Jewish law, and as such he did not attach his name to the various groundbreaking policies that he contributed to through his thought leadership. But his legacy lives on through his students, who embody the vast potential of Torah-academic balance to elevate both the performance of Israel’s economy and the harmony in Israeli society.
Rabbi Goldberg is sorely missed, and his memory should be a blessing.
President, Jerusalem College of Technology
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