Joel B. Strauss is a Partner in the law firm Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP where he has practiced for close to 30 years,
Primarily in the areas of class actions, securities, consumer protection and data privacy litigation. Prior to entering the field of law, Joel, who is also a licensed CPA, worked for several years in the Emerging Business Services Group of Coopers & Lybrand (n/k/a PwC). Over the last several decades, Joel has played a leadership role as a volunteer with many organizations within the business, education and not-for profit sectors. Presently, in addition to being an active member of the Board of Friends of JCT, Mr. Strauss serves in the following capacities, among others: Adjunct Professor, Political Science Dept. at Yeshiva University, where he also serves on a number of committees, including, but not limited to, YU’s General Counsel’s Council; New York State Bar Association’s Committee on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar; Mentor, Orthodox Union’s Impact Accelerator Program; Member, Board of Directors, Yavneh Academy, Paramus, NJ (where he formerly served as a VP and Finance Committee Chair). Joel also serves as a mentor and advisor to several start-ups and VCs in Israel.