Prof. Chaim Sukenik was named the 6th President of the Jerusalem College of Technology in the fall of 2013.
Trained as a chemist, he is a renowned scientist in nanoscale research and materials engineering. Prior to serving as President of JCT, Prof. Sukenik was the Dean of Exact Sciences at Bar-Ilan University and the Director of Bar-Ilan’s Minerva Center for Nanoscale Particles and Films as Tailored Biomaterial Interfaces. He was among the founders of the Bar-Ilan Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA).
Prof. Sukenik completed his undergraduate studies at Yeshiva University in 1972 (BA Magna Cum Laude) and received his PhD. in Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology in 1976. After spending a year as a National Science Foundation postdoctoral research fellow at UCLA, he took a faculty position at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a recipient of a National Institutes of Health Research Career Development Award (1983-1988), a Visiting Scientist at the Weizmann Institute of Science (1984-1985), and a Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1992-1993).
Prof. Sukenik has published over 130 papers in refereed journals and has given hundreds of invited lectures at professional meetings and academic institutions around the world.
Prof. Sukenik grew up in Miami Beach, Florida. He and his family made Aliyah in 1995.