September 2, 2019
After meeting with senior academic staff, Wigan visited JCT’s Beit Midrash and was very impressed to see how Jewish learning is conducted alongside academic study.
Wigan met with senior staff including lecturers and researchers, and of course students who were currently in the middle of final exams. JCT President Prof. Chaim Sukenik, said: “Commitment to Torah and halacha is the College’s primary foundation. High level academics is implemented accordingly, and always with an emphasis on excellence”.
The integration of Haredim into prominent positions in high-tech and business has become a hot topic in public discourse, and of course among young people who want to build a Torah home and also earn a decent living. JCT is a recognized leader of academic training and professional advancement for the Haredi community. “JCT’s academic model can serve as an inspiration to institutions around the world who want to help people integrate into the job market, and address market needs, while enabling them to maintain their identity as well as high academic standards. Israel’s high-tech industry is a world leader, and therefore requires a high-quality workforce”, remarked Wigan.
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